Welcome to the American Center Party

Campaigning today for a better tomorrow!

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    The Platform
    Finding Common Ground

    The politics of divisiveness must end. The polarization of our political system by the two major national parties has left much of our country without a party. No more. The ACP will fill that void.

    Bringing Politics back to the Center

    The ACP is a party for the center. Pro-business and pro-employee. Fiscal Responsibility and Social Responsibility. Balanced regulation with free trade. These are but a few of the centrist ideas of the ACP

    Get Involved

    Read our platform. We are seeking passionate candidates to run in federal, state and local elections. We are seeking funding for our mission to bring civility and moderation back to politics. Join us!


    Your donation is an opportunity to be part of something bigger. Show our country and the world that American Exceptionalism lives on. Give today!