
The tragedies of Columbine, Ft. Hood, Newtown, San Bernadino, Orlando, Dallas, Parkland, FL, and now Santa Fe, Texas, as well as other similar events, have the issue of gun control at the forefront of political discussions once again. Indeed, it is reported that there were over  22 school shootings in 2018. That is totally unacceptable. Sadly, that wasn’t enough to accomplish what would seem to be reasonable and necessary to most Americans. Even sadder is the fact something wasn’t done before these events to protect Americans from criminals and those who are irresponsible or mentally impaired. Why should it take such an event to allow us to keep guns from those who shouldn’t have them? Guns are now and always have been an important part of our country and its heritage. The American Center Party realizes private ownership of guns allowed our forefathers to win this country’s freedom from a more established military and far superior force. We should never forget that as we discuss this issue.


  1. However, we believe it is time to require a comprehensive universal background check of all gun purchasers at all gun shows and stores where guns are sold, as well as online sales. In addition, it should be required that for all sales by individuals, the individual seller must obtain and verify, by driver’s license, the name, address, telephone number and social security number of the buyer, which should immediately be forwarded to the local police or sheriff to follow up on registration lists to determine if the buyer is eligible to purchase the gun in question. In addition, the buyer should also be required to report the purchase to local law enforcement. Likewise, if anyone’s gun is stolen, they should be legally required to immediately report the theft to local law enforcement.
  2. In addition, some system should be established to assure that all those diagnosed with a mental illness should be reported to a central depository, such as the FBI, and to the principal law enforcement agency of each state, which may be checked when gun sales are at issue. That system must comply with due process, but be available to law enforcement to do the best we can to keep guns of all types from those with a mental illness. These systems held by the FBI and the states should be shared without hesitation by these and other appropriate agencies, once again with consideration to due process. Also, all states should be encouraged to pass legislation to make it a felony to commit any crime with the use of guns or other deadly weapons, if such law is not already on the books.
  3. We also believe that those on a no fly list and a terrorist watch list should also be denied the right to purchase guns, but their due process rights must be protected. To that extent, if anyone on such a list attempts to buy a gun and is denied that right because of their presence on such list, they should have the right to apply for a hearing for the government to prove its case. If they fail to seek such hearing within thirty days or lose the due process hearing, their right to buy a gun shall be denied. With this due process procedure in place those with a legitimate right to purchase a gun will be able to do so. Those for whom a legitimate reason exists for denying them the right to buy guns will likely not even attempt to do so from legitimate gun dealers.
  4. Finally, the American Center Party believes the ban on assault weapons(SAW), which became the law in 1994 and which was repealed in 2004, should be reinstated, along with a ban on bump stock weapons. There is no good reason to allow anyone to have assault weapons and magazines that hold 10 rounds or more. Those aren’t needed to go hunting for deer, pheasant or any other game hunted in this country. When that law was in existence I don’t recall any hue and cry from legitimate gun owners. However, there will be no effort to collect such guns currently in the possession of citizens, which were purchased legally at the time of purchase.

We realize there are those who will express concern about the camel’s nose under the tent, but the American Center Party will not allow this law to be a step to begin taking guns from law abiding citizens, We will not go door to door to get guns nor will we order guns to be turned over to the government. Private gun ownership is now and has always been part of the fabric of this country, its history and its heritage, and the American Center Party will do nothing to change that.However, we will institute a buy back program for those interested in selling there guns to the government.

The American Center Party realizes these efforts won’t keep all guns from the hands of criminals, nor is it likely to prevent another Newtown, where the guns were allegedly purchased legally and owned by the mother, only to be illegally and violently used by the son. However, we have an obligation to take these reasonable steps to control the problem as much as possible. Again, we owe this to our citizens, our children and future generations.

With regard to the universal background check, this will make it more difficult for those who are mentally ill to have access to guns. It will make it more difficult for convicted felons to have access to guns. It will make it more difficult for those on the no fly list to have access to guns. It will make it more difficult for those on the terrorist watch list to have access to guns. How could any rational, reasonable, right thinking person possibly oppose those goals.


As we have seen from the recent tragedy at Parkland, Florida, reporting and follow through are just as important as laws. All the record keeping and reporting is meaningless if there is not a response or action plan in place. Follow through is essential. That is why we support a reporting and follow up program as set out hereinafter.

  1. All healthcare professionals shall notify the top local law enforcement agency of anyone they have diagnosed as having a mental illness or exhibiting aggressive conduct that may be a danger to them or to the general public. We realize this suggestion may conflict with HIPPA regulations and professional ethics. However, some accommodation needs to be made to make this a reality if we are to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill.
  2. All government entities who have knowledge of individuals acting out aggressively, including but not limited to schools, shall immediately report such individual to the top local law enforcement authority.
  3. Local law enforcement offices shall appoint someone within their office responsible for handling such complaints of mental illness or aggressive behavior. When that individual receives such complaints they shall immediately report such information to the top law enforcement office of the state.
  4. The top law enforcement office of each state shall also appoint an individual responsible for handling such complaints. When any such complaint is received, that individual shall immediately report any such complaints to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), which agency shall immediately take appropriate action under the law, which may include, but not be limited to, coordinating with local law enforcement offices to coordinate appropriate action regarding the individual in question. The top state law enforcement agency shall also appoint an officer to be responsible for handling and cataloging this information.

We realize there are those who have in the past and will in the future cry wolf about government getting its foot in the door or its camel nose under the tent, but the American Center Party will not allow that to happen. Under no circumstance will the American Center Party support any effort to conduct random searches and/or seizures of weapons owned by private individuals who are law abiding citizens that don’t fall within any of the above four categories. Private ownership of guns is now and always will be a part of the fabric of this country, its history and its heritage and the American Center Party will do nothing to change that. The American Center Party realizes these efforts won’t keep guns out of the hands of criminals, nor is it likely to prevent another Newtown, where the guns were legally purchased and owned by the mother, only to be illegally and violently used by the son. However, we have an obligation to take these reasonable steps to control the problem as much as possible. Again, we owe this to our citizens and to future generations.