
Once again, we find an issue, which should have been addressed at least thirty (30) years ago, after the oil embargo and the Iran hostage crisis. We knew at that time, if not before, that future problems with our reliance on foreign oil would rear its head again. Unfortunately, the Democrats and Republicans did virtually nothing. While our dependence on foreign oil has been reduced significantly and energy independence is upon us, we should continue to plan and explore all potential energy sources, for the future of our children and grandchildren and all future generations. They deserve nothing less.


  1. The American Center Party believes we should have begun immediately a program to utilize both solar and wind energy as well as other renewable energy resources to augment our reliance on crude oil. It is unlikely the United States will ever become energy self-sufficient through the use of solar and wind energy, but had we started thirty years ago, our development of solar and wind energy might have reached the point today where it was providing approximately twenty per cent of our energy needs. This would have reduced our reliance on foreign oil by a similar amount thus helping us become more energy independent, as are others. Even though we may have reached a certain energy independence, bio-fuel and renewable energy will allow us to extend that independence well into the future, which is important to our children, our grandchildren and all future generations, something we owe them and for which they will thank us.
  2. The American Center Party recognizes some are afraid of nuclear power and we don’t wish to minimize that. However, today, it is estimated France gets approximately 80% of its energy needs from nuclear power and has developed a process for safely disposing of their nuclear waste. Sweden hopes to be energy independent by 2020 and 40% of its energy is generated from nuclear power. As a result of their nuclear power success, we should engage them and learn from their experience.Why can’t we develop a safe system for disposing of nuclear waste? On another front, Brazil is basically energy independent and most of that comes from bio-fuels, of which sugar is the main component.  Why haven’t we developed more bio-fuels with sugar, which reduces carbon emissions by 50% and as a result, is more favorable to the environment than corn.
  3. Today we should continue to develop solar and wind energy, truly renewable energy resources. Our budget proposal is directed to that need. However, it can’t stop there and we should look at every available energy resource. The American Center Party realizes each potential energy resource brings with it potential environmental issues, but they should be explored to see which is the least environmentally harmful and the most energy productive. However, in considering the various energy sources, we must be aware that we have only one environment to enjoy and protect, and it is our children and grandchildren and their generations which will suffer should we fail to adequately protect that environment. To do otherwise is both unjust and selfish. Let not that be our legacy.
  4. Furthermore, it is imperative that if the United States is going to attempt to solve its energy problems with any of these procedures the product produced must be used to reduce our reliance on foreign oil and not find its way to China or some other foreign nation. Admittedly, our production of a new source of energy will impact the crude oil market simply because it reduces our reliance on that resource. However, it is not our responsibility to utilize our resources and impact our environment to satisfy the needs of others for energy. The only exception is if we may assist our European allies in becoming less dependent on Russia.
  5. Finally, the American Center Party believes there is no longer, if there ever was, a need for a Department of Energy. Accordingly, the American Center Party recommends the Department of Energy be abolished. These resources can be better spent elsewhere.

As we consider this issue and the United States’ options, the American Center Party recognizes the United States may be energy independent. However, we should not become complacent about that status, but build on it. Once again, we owe that to all future generations.