Fundamental Government Concepts

  1. The underlying concept and fundamental principle of the American Center Party rests on the belief that our forefathers granted us the greatest possible gift ever given to any human being by government. That gift was our undeniable and precious freedom and liberty to live our lives unrestrained by government at any level, or by any other outside influence, as long as we don’t interfere with or disrupt that same freedom and liberty cherished and enjoyed by other citizens of this great country.
  2. The role of the federal government in this story is to provide a strong national defense to see that we are physically protected and assure that the freedom and liberty so graciously granted us by our forefathers is not interfered with or impeded in any way by any government, foreign or domestic, and at any level. The further responsibility of our federal government is to provide for a climate that encourages individual initiative and effort, as well as corporate initiative and effort, to continue to grow this great nation and its economy. The federal government also has the responsibility to provide for a climate that allows our health care providers, who are the best in the world, to in fact provide health care to all our citizens at a reasonable cost and as expeditiously as possible. Finally, the federal government has the responsibility to work closely with each of the states to allow them to function without being burdened by the federal government, which allows our constitutional republic to flourish as intended by our forefathers.
  3. Finally, our states have the responsibility to provide local protection to their citizens and establish a local climate that allows each of us to flourish in that climate and enjoy to the fullest extent that freedom and liberty granted us by our forefathers. The states also have an obligation to provide for an education system at the elementary and secondary level that will allow each citizen to be prepared for her or his life after high school, at which time they may become a productive member of this society. The states also have the responsibility, working in conjunction with the federal government to provide a complete transportation system that allows commerce to flourish and travel to be efficient.The above principles layout the foundation on which this country has flourished and can flourish once again. More details on these principles and suggestions for specific policies in various areas are set out on the pages that follow. The American Center Party believes these principles and the policies that follow form the basis for a government that will return the United States to the forefront once again as the moral, economic, military and democratic leader of the free world. It will also establish a framework in which each citizen of this great country is also able to flourish and succeed, if they have the discipline, work ethic and desire to do so. It is not expected nor intended that what follows will address all issues facing this great nation, but will give to those who choose to read it a fundamental understanding of the principles by which the American Center Party will govern.