Governmental Philosophy

The American Center Party believes the Republic established by our Founding Fathers was the most enlightened form of government known to man at the time and to this day stands in a class by itself. The three separate but equal branches of government, with the built in checks and balances stand as a testament to the foresight and brilliance of our founding fathers. Indeed, how our forefathers, with their history with kings and queens, princes and princesses, lords, barons and earls, could have devised and developed such a form of government in behalf of its people is testament to their genius and their fundamental understanding of government and its shortcomings and failings, as well as the threat of power located in the few and in one central location. If a problem exists with our government today it is not with the system but with those who have been implementing and running it for decades. The Democrats and Republicans in our Congress have been a part of the system for so long they have now become an integral part of its problem.

Part and parcel of that government formed by our forefathers is the belief in a limited government at both the federal and state level, with a clear and certain responsibility resting with the states. As has been stated by Thomas Jefferson, “that government governs best that governs least”. It can also be said, “that government governs best that governs closest to home”. Such philosophies recognize more government and complexities are not the answer, and how much easier it is for the citizenry to communicate directly with their elected officials when those officials are closest to home. Furthermore, is there any doubt that some of the interests, desires and focus of the people of North Dakota are different than those of the people of California or New York. Should not individual states and their citizens be allowed the right to make those decisions which directly affect them, (education), as opposed to those that effect the nation as a whole (foreign policy and national defense). Such latter policies should rightly be placed with and made by our nationally elected officials.

More fundamentally, the American Center Party believes the most important gift from our forefathers was the freedom they bestowed on each and every American. The freedom to wake up each day and go to bed each evening with the comfort and peace of mind to know we are free in a nation bound together by that freedom and strengthened by the belief it will always be so. Freedom to live our lives to the fullest as long as we don’t infringe on that same freedom enjoyed by each of us, without that freedom being infringed upon by our neighbors or limited by an overzealous executive branch of government and/or an overreaching legislative branch. Freedom to use our ingenuity, our focus, our work ethic and our perseverance. to achieve that, of which we are capable. It is incumbent on those of us blessed with that freedom, to cherish it, to build on it, guard it for future generations and assure it is never taken away or limited. To unjustly limit or take away the freedom of any one of us is to diminish the freedom in all of us.

While I realize there are some who believe our freedom comes from God as Christians and believers, that is a belief we respect. However, the American Center Party suggests history challenges and refutes that belief. If being Christians entitles us to freedom as granted by God, why were the Christians thrown to the lions in ancient Rome. Why weren’t the Christians free in Nazi Germany, in Communist Russia and Red China. Today, why aren’t the Christians in Russia, China, North Korea, the Middle East and Africa free. The answer is quite simple. None of those countries have our system of government with its constitution and Bill of Rights, which grant us our freedom, one of the most important being freedom of religion.

While the American Center Party recognizes our forefathers established a Republic for us to manage and preserve, the American Center Party recognizes and believes that every power now held by our government comes from the people, from whom all powers emanate. Consequently, the right to remove those powers from our government exists with we, the people and no one else. Indeed, this power is expressly stated in both the Ninth and Tenth Amendments to the United States Constitution. There was concern when our Constitution was being drafted that some might argue if a right is not stated specifically in our Constitution, it did not exist. Out of concern for that argument and in response thereto, James Madison, the Father of our Constitution, saw to it that the Ninth Amendment was added, which states:

“ The enumeration in the constitution of certain
rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage
others retained by the people.”

Likewise, the Tenth Amendment to the constitution provides further protection to the people:

“ The powers not delegated to the United States
by the constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states,
are reserved to the states respectively and to the people.”

Thus, there is no question where the ultimate power of this country lies. However, as a republic, the day to day choices rest with our elected officials and this is where the problem exists. It was Thomas Jefferson who said “ The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. ” This is not to suggest a violent revolution is needed, but a political revolution is essential if this country is to find its way to restore our system of government and regain the power, prestige and respect of the world.

It is Congress, Democrats and Republicans alike, who have abdicated their Constitutional and legal responsibilities permitting recent Presidents to assume more power and in the process create an imperial presidency, concentrating more and more power in Washington, D.C. and in one office, an outcome with truly chilling potential. It was Thomas Jefferson who warned:

The history of civilization shows that as the
size of government increases, liberty decreases.”

He also said:

“That government big enough to give you
everything you want, is also powerful enough
to take away everything you have”.

It would be wise to heed the advice of one of the great Americans present from the start of this great Republic.

The fundamental problem with the Democrats and Republicans today is their knee jerk ideologies of the left and right respectively, which have led to the petty, partisan and negative governing of today. Polls show over 40% of Americans believe a new a political party is needed and a similar number of Americans identify themselves as independents.

The American Center Party welcomes with open arms all independents, disaffected Democrats, disaffected Republicans and others looking for that breath of fresh air and guiding light to restore civility to our government and greatness to our Republic.