
What we must first realize is this is a nation of immigrants, being so from its very inception. A nation founded by a diverse group of forefathers from every conceivable nation. As such the American Center Party welcomes with open arms immigrants from all countries and continents who are willing to accept our laws, our constitution and who want to come here for a better life, get a job and contribute to our great nation. However, we are also a nation of laws, which is what allows us to have a civilized society, which is the envy of the world. Because this is a nation of laws nothing could be worse for those entering our borders illegally than to allow them to proceed without accepting responsibility for their actions and thereby let them believe laws may be ignored. At the same time nothing could be more unfair to those immigrants who have come here legally than to turn our heads to those who have entered illegally. Accordingly, we must insist that those here illegally take the necessary steps to acknowledge their illegal entry. To grant amnesty leaves no incentive for anyone to obey the law and enter through legal means. President Reagan’s decision to grant amnesty to 3 million illegal immigrants in the 1980s only led to 12 million more illegal immigrants.

This is an issue that should have been addressed by the Democrats and Republicans at least twenty (20) years ago. Had they taken the steps to implement a comprehensive immigration law we wouldn’t have 12 million illegal immigrants in this country today. If such a law had been passed, most of today’s illegal immigrants would be legally in this country and on someone’s payroll, which would have them paying taxes and contributing to the cost of government.

The obvious problem is the Democrats and Republicans each have there own solution, but neither solution addresses the total problem. The Democrats want to virtually grant amnesty to all illegal immigrants and allow them to work without regard for their illegal entry into our country and without regard to our unprotected borders through which illegal immigrants enter daily. Thus, the Democrats would address one problem but not the unstable border that exists.

On the other hand, the Republicans also only address half the problem and would do nothing but build a fence to seal our borders. Unfortunately, that fails to address the 12 million illegal immigrants already in our country. The only sound solution to the problem of illegal immigrants is a comprehensive plan that addresses both the border problem and the illegal immigrants already here. Deportation of the 12 million illegal immigrants already here is simply not a reasonable option, nor is it an American solution.

DACA (Dreamers)

To begin with, the United States has always recognized the need to treat juveniles and children different than adults. We have always recognized that because of their youth, immaturity and intellectual development they could not and should not be held accountable for all their actions, as adults are. Consequently, each state has a separate set of juvenile laws to deal with their youth. Why should it be any different for children brought to this country by their parents or elders, who are seeking a better life for themselves and those children. Those children were and are dependent on their parents and older siblings for their very survival. They had no control whatsoever over the choices and decisions of their parents and elders. Thus, there is no legitimate reason for holding accountable those children who came here illegally by the choice of their parents and elders, on whom they were dependent.

Because the American Center Party believes this whole-heartedly, we believe all “Dreamers” brought here as children by their parents or elders, should be allowed to immediately apply for American citizenship, in order to protect them and their parents from deportation and their illegal entry into this country will not be held against them in their application for citizenship. In addition, any “Dreamer” who has served honorably in the United States armed forces or is currently serving honorably in the United States armed forces, shall be allowed to immediately apply for United States citizenship, which shall be expedited.

This is an issue that should have been dealt with years ago by the Democrats and Republicans, but their petty partisan conduct have kept this issue alive and kept these children and their families in legal limbo unnecessarily. It’s long past time that this issue be resolved and the American Center Party is prepared to do so immediately.


  1. The American Center Party believes we must immediately seal the borders, either by completing the 700 mile wire fence, additional agents or a combination of both, as well as establishing offices completely along the border to accept and process new immigrants attempting to cross the border illegally. To assist, drones and/or helicopters shall be used where and when necessary. The American Center Party believes illegal immigration is today the third most important reason for sealing our borders. The first reason to secure our borders is the security of this country. A recent study found that of 455,000 illegal immigrants entering the country, 59,000 were of non-Hispanic origin. What are the chances at least one of these was a terrorist. The second reason to secure our borders is the rapid rise of the Mexican drug cartels, especially in northern Mexico, which are a menace to both Mexico and America. We must do what we can to shut down that drug traffic and those who engage in it. In addition, if the policies set out herein are not sufficient to control the border, more extensive use of drones and helicopters are another option readily available.
  2. At the same time we must make known throughout the country that all illegal immigrants have one year to turn themselves in to the authorities to acknowledge they are in this country illegally and identify the employers who have hired them. Those who turn themselves in will be allowed to apply through normal channels for legal status. If such legal status is granted, they will be allowed to apply for American citizenship and will be processed as any other applicant. In addition, those who turn themselves in must first pay a fine, such as $1000, payable over several months so as not to be too great a burden. Once they have paid their fine, their application for American citizenship will be finalized, if they otherwise qualify. Those illegal immigrants who fail to turn themselves in will be subject to immediate deportation when they are caught and will be barred forever from this country.
  3. The American Center Party recognizes that if there were no employers, illegal immigration would not be the problem it is today. Accordingly, every employer of illegal immigrants shall have one year to turn himself/herself in, as well as their employees who are here illegally. The employers who turn themselves in shall also have to pay a fine, payable over several months, for the hiring of illegal immigrants, but shall be allowed to continue in business. Those employers who fail to turn themselves and their employees in and are later discovered, shall forfeit their business and the assets connected with that business. Identifying employers is essential to any successful immigration policy, since without employers, the desire to come to America is lessened.
  4. The American Center Party recognizes there are other issues regarding immigration but securing the borders and dealing with the 12 million illegal immigrants already here are the most essential issues. Every time you add another item to the mix, such as how many Nordic ski instructors will be admitted, you give someone another reason to vote against the legislation. That must stop and we must secure the borders and address the illegal immigrants already here.
  5. All sanctuary cities should be terminated and prohibited in the future. They violate federal law and for that reason can’t be permitted. Any local and/or state government which continues to support a sanctuary city or re-establishes a sanctuary city should be sanctioned and any individual office holder permitting or encouraging such violation should face federal charges. It is hoped that with the adoption of the comprehensive immigration policy set out herein, sanctuary cities will no longer be needed or considered.

Once this program is in place, hopefully new entrants will follow the legal process for entry. However, every immigrant entering this country illegally shall be immediately deported and never allowed to apply for a green card or American citizenship. Those already here illegally who fail to come forward shall also be deported and never again have the opportunity for legal status, let alone citizenship.