Race and Law Enforcement

Over recent months and indeed years, what appears to be an ongoing issue of confrontation between the black community and law enforcement has grown and become part of our public discourse. This has become a burden we all share and which should be addressed. In doing so we should also recognize an even greater problem exists with black on black crime and the deaths resulting therefrom. While it is primarily a state and local issue, the nation’s leaders have an obligation to take whatever action may be appropriate to assist those at the state and local agencies.

At the outset, let it be clear the America Center Party strongly supports law enforcement officials across this country. They have a difficult job and need the support of all citizens in doing that job. However, the answer to problems is not rioting and destruction of property of those who are innocent and contribute to society. That accomplishes nothing at all and unnecessarily risks lives and property.

Finally, it is incumbent on each and every American to realize that each of us has a personal responsibility to take whatever steps we can to reduce confrontations and controversy in our society. Committing violence only begets violence and solves nothing. Far too many young people in America, especially young black men, have their lives snuffed out unnecessarily and without justification. That must stop and it is up to blacks and whites to join together to help eradicate this mentality from our society. Until that step is taken by each of us individually, reduction of violence in our community is a pipe dream. Simply passing a new law will not solve the problem.


  1. If they have not done so already, all states should immediately pass “armed criminal action” legislation making it a felony to commit any crime with the use of a deadly weapon, including but not limited to guns. That is an important way to attack those who illegally and violently use guns.
  2. If they have not already done so, all states should establish a state wide system of half way houses, to house and treat those criminals who have not committed violent crimes and those prisoners placed on probation or released on parole. Such a program will reduce the overcrowding in our state prisons and provide a means to help those who have committed crimes to adjust and readjust to society.
  3. For those convicted of serious felonies and who are a threat to society, prison is available. However, our prisons generally do a poor job of preparing prisoners for their return to society. As a result, rates of recidivism are terrible. All of us must realize, that with few exceptions, all prisoners ultimately will return to society. The question is, in what condition will they be upon their return. Therefore, it behooves all prisons to require and provide technical education and higher education at least equivalent to community colleges to all prisoners, which will assist them in their return to society. Once released, they should be placed in a halfway house to help them adjust to society. In addition, a system needs to be in place for employment for those on probation or parole.
  4. If they have not already done so, all states should establish a state wide system of community based mental health facilities. After all, in most cases, it is generally recognized, something or someone in the community has helped create the climate or atmosphere that led to the mental health issue. Allowing them to get the necessary help while living in their community allows for an easier and quicker return to society. For those with a serious mental condition for which a community facility isn’t appropriate, hospitals are available.
  5. A concentrated effort between the federal government and state and local law enforcement should be undertaken to eradicate gangs and drug dealers from our society. This is a significant cause of our violence and creates fear of life on all sides. Gangs and the drugs they sell are a cancer in our society and they need to be eradicated. They have no place in a civilized society and we should make every effort to end their existence. This will also go a long way toward reducing guns and gun violence. Senseless death by errant bullets are a tragedy. Drive by shootings occur all too often. We owe it to society and the young people at risk to stop this carnage.
  6. A re-evaluation should take place of mandatory sentencing rules and guidelines. They take away from the judiciary the ability to balance the crime and criminal against the needs and safety of society. At the same time, we should also reconsider the need to incarcerate those who have committed non-violent crimes, to see if placement in a half-way house isn’t a better solution for both society and the criminal.
  7. As previously stated, the American Center Party believes education is the best recipe to solve many of the problems facing this great nation. Thus, strong efforts must be made to improve the education of and graduation rate of young people, especially young black people, so they can become productive members of society. A look in the papers daily shows the availability of jobs. It is incumbent to set up a system to match the jobs with the young people, black and white, who need a job but don’t know how or where to get one. To do that successfully we must make sure these young people have the necessary education and/or skills to fill the available jobs. Thus, the American Center Party’s emphasis on vocational- technical education in high school and thereafter.
  8. Finally, due to the recent tragedy in Charlottesville, VA the American Center Party wishes to make clear it does not support in any way the White Supremacists, the Neo Nazis or the Ku Klux Klan or that for which they stand. More importantly, it does not support the hatred and bigotry they spew nor the values, if you can call them that, which they espouse. What they did and what they said in Charlottesville is unacceptable and should be denounced by every right thinking American. They stand for everything that is the antithesis of, and is against, our American values, our beliefs, our moral compass and the rights established by our forefathers and everything for which this great country stands.